Garage Troubles: Why Is My Garage Floor Sinking?

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By Kim H

A sinking garage floor can be a frustrating problem for homeowners. Not only does it affect the aesthetics of your garage, but it can also be a safety hazard. If you’ve noticed cracks in your garage floor or uneven surfaces, you may be dealing with a sinking garage floor.

There are several potential causes for a sinking garage floor. One common culprit is a settling foundation. Over time, the soil underneath your garage floor can shift and compact, causing the floor to sink. Other factors, such as poor drainage or water accumulation, can contribute to erosion and further exacerbate the problem.

Fortunately, there are effective methods for repairing and maintaining a sinking garage floor. Slabjacking, a process that involves injecting a polyurethane foam into voids under the floor to lift it back into position, is one popular solution. This cost-effective method not only raises the floor but also allows for the filling and sealing of cracks.

However, if the sinking garage floor is a result of a settling foundation, additional measures may be necessary. Utilizing helical piers to stabilize both the garage walls and the floor can address the underlying foundation issue. In some cases, a combination of helical piers and slabjacking may be required to ensure stability and prevent further sinking.

For floating slab floors that are not directly connected to the foundation, a comprehensive approach involving both piers and slabjacking is recommended. This approach stabilizes the foundation while lifting the garage floor, providing a solid and long-lasting solution.

Regular maintenance is crucial in preventing garage floor sinking. By conducting routine inspections and addressing any cracks or drainage issues promptly, you can minimize the risk of further damage. If you suspect foundation problems or need professional guidance, it’s advisable to consult with a reputable foundation repair company for a thorough inspection and appropriate repairs.

Key Takeaways:

  • A sinking garage floor can be caused by a settling foundation or other factors like poor drainage.
  • Slabjacking is a cost-effective method for repairing a sinking garage floor by injecting polyurethane foam into voids.
  • If the sinking is due to a settling foundation, helical piers may be necessary to stabilize both the garage walls and floor.
  • For floating slab floors, a combination of piers and slabjacking is recommended for repair.
  • Regular maintenance and prompt addressing of cracks and drainage issues can help prevent further damage.

Causes of a Sinking Garage Floor

When a garage floor sinks, it is usually indicative of underlying issues. Cracks in the floor can be a result of voids forming underneath the concrete slab due to soil settling or erosion. Settling occurs naturally over time, especially in granular soil, while erosion can be caused by poor drainage or water accumulation.

If left untreated, these issues can lead to further damage and structural instability. It is important to address the causes of a sinking garage floor promptly to prevent any potential hazards.

Cracks in the Garage Floor

Cracks in the garage floor are a common sign of a sinking garage floor. These cracks can develop as a result of voids forming under the concrete slab. As the soil settles or erodes, it creates empty spaces beneath the floor, causing it to sink and crack.

These cracks can vary in size and severity, ranging from hairline cracks to wider fissures. It is crucial to identify and address these cracks as soon as possible to prevent further damage.

Soil Settling

Soil settling is a natural process that occurs over time. It happens when the soil beneath the garage floor compresses or consolidates, causing the floor to sink. This settling can be more pronounced in areas with granular soil, which is prone to shifting and compacting.

Factors such as the weight of the building, soil composition, and moisture content can contribute to soil settling. Over time, the compaction of the soil can lead to voids under the garage floor, compromising its stability.


Poor drainage or water accumulation around the garage can result in erosion of the soil beneath the concrete slab. Excessive water can wash away the supporting soil, creating voids and causing the floor to sink.

Erosion can be exacerbated by improper grading, inadequate gutters, or downspouts that deposit water near the garage. Additionally, heavy rainfall or flooding can accelerate the erosion process, leading to more severe sinking and structural damage.

To visualize the causes of a sinking garage floor, refer to the image below:

Image: Cracks in the garage floor caused by voids and settling.

Understanding the causes of a sinking garage floor is the first step towards addressing the issue. In the next section, we will explore effective repair methods to restore the stability and functionality of your garage floor.

Repair Methods for Sinking Garage Floors

When faced with a sinking garage floor, it’s important to take prompt action to prevent further damage and ensure the safety and functionality of your garage. One of the most effective repair methods for addressing this issue is slabjacking, a technique that involves injecting polyurethane foam into the voids under the floor to lift it back into position.

Slabjacking is a cost-effective solution compared to other repair methods, making it a popular choice among homeowners. By utilizing polyurethane foam injection, the floor can be raised to its original level, providing a stable foundation for your garage and preventing further sinking.

The Process of Slabjacking

During the slabjacking process, small holes are strategically drilled into the sunken concrete floor. Through these holes, polyurethane foam is injected under pressure into the voids beneath the floor. As the foam expands and fills the voids, it gradually lifts the floor back to its original position.

Once the floor is raised, any cracks that may have formed can be repaired. Filling and sealing these cracks is important to ensure the structural integrity of the floor and prevent water infiltration.

Take a look at the following table for a comparison of slabjacking with other common repair methods:

Repair MethodProsCons
Slabjacking– Cost-effective
– Lifts the floor back into position
– Repairs underlying issues
– May require additional crack repair
– Limited to certain types of soil
Polyurethane Foam Injection– Durable and long-lasting
– Expands to fill voids
– Offers stabilization
– Can be more expensive than other methods
– Requires professional expertise
Foundation Repair– Addresses underlying foundation issues
– Provides long-term stability
– More complex and time-consuming
– Higher cost

Considering Costs and Estimates

When evaluating repair options for your sinking garage floor, it’s essential to consider the costs and benefits associated with each method. While slabjacking and polyurethane foam injection are generally more cost-effective compared to foundation repair, it’s crucial to obtain cost estimates from reputable contractors to make an informed decision.

A professional contractor will assess the condition of your garage floor, identify the underlying causes of sinking, and provide you with a detailed cost estimate for the required repairs. This will help you plan your budget and choose the most suitable repair method for your specific situation.

Next, let’s explore how to deal with settling foundations and sinking garage floors in Section 4.

Dealing with Settling Foundation and Sinking Garage Floors

If the garage foundation is settling and causing the floor to sink, it requires a different approach to repair. One effective method for stabilizing both the garage walls and the floor is through the use of helical piers. These piers provide the necessary support and prevent further movement, ensuring the structural integrity of the entire garage.

In addition to helical piers, another technique that may be necessary to address voids created during the lifting process is slabjacking. Slabjacking involves injecting a polyurethane foam mixture into the gaps underneath the garage floor. This process fills the voids and raises the floor back to its original position, providing a stable and level surface.

It’s crucial to assess the extent of the foundation settlement to determine the appropriate combination of helical piers and slabjacking. Consulting with a professional foundation repair expert will ensure an accurate evaluation and the most effective solution for stabilizing the garage foundation and preventing future issues.

With the use of helical piers and slabjacking, the settling foundation and sinking garage floor can be effectively addressed, restoring the structural integrity of the garage and providing peace of mind for homeowners.

garage foundation settling

Floating Slab Floors and Garage Foundation Repair

In some cases, the garage floor is not directly connected to the foundation but instead rests on what is called a floating slab. When dealing with sinking garage floors in this situation, it is crucial to address both the foundation and the floor for a comprehensive repair. This requires a combination of pier installation for foundation stabilization and slabjacking for lifting the garage floor.

Pier installation is necessary to stabilize the foundation and prevent further sinking or movement. Piers are deep vertical supports that provide additional strength and support to the foundation. By installing piers strategically around the garage, the foundation can be secured and its structural integrity restored.

Once the foundation is stabilized, the next step is to lift the sinking garage floor. Slabjacking, also known as mudjacking, is an effective technique used to raise a sinking floor back to its original position. This process involves injecting a cementitious grout or polyurethane foam mixture underneath the floor through small holes drilled in the concrete. As the material expands, it fills any voids or gaps and lifts the floor, restoring it to its proper level.

Combining pier installation and slabjacking ensures that both the foundation and the garage floor are properly repaired and stabilized. This comprehensive approach addresses the underlying issues and provides a long-lasting solution for a sinking garage floor.

Benefits of Floating Slab Floors and Pier Installation:

  • Stabilizes the foundation and prevents further sinking
  • Restores the structural integrity of the garage
  • Lifts and levels the sinking garage floor
  • Provides long-lasting repair and stability

Comparison Table: Pier Installation vs. Slabjacking

Pier InstallationSlabjacking
ObjectiveStabilize the foundationLift the sinking garage floor
MethodInstallation of vertical piersInjection of grout or foam under the floor
  • Prevents further sinking
  • Restores structural integrity
  • Lifts and levels the floor
  • Addresses underlying issues
CostHigher upfront costLower upfront cost compared to foundation repair

By combining these two methods, homeowners can effectively repair sinking garage floors and ensure the stability and safety of their garage. It is important to consult with a professional foundation repair expert to assess the specific needs of your garage and determine the appropriate course of action. Remember, early intervention and regular maintenance are key to preventing further damage and extending the lifespan of your garage floor.

floating slab floors


Taking proactive steps to maintain your garage floor is crucial for ensuring its safety and longevity. Regular garage floor maintenance, including inspecting for cracks and addressing drainage issues, can help prevent further damage.

If you suspect foundation problems or notice signs of a sinking garage floor, it is highly recommended to seek professional assistance from experienced foundation repair experts. They can provide a thorough inspection to diagnose the underlying issues and recommend appropriate repairs.

When choosing a foundation repair company, make sure to select a reputable contractor with a track record of expertise and accreditation. Their knowledge and experience can ensure that your garage floor is properly repaired and stabilized for years to come.


What are the causes of a sinking garage floor?

A sinking garage floor can be caused by soil settling or erosion, which creates voids underneath the concrete slab. These voids can result in cracks in the floor.

What is the best method for repairing a sinking garage floor?

Slabjacking is the recommended method for repairing a sinking garage floor. It involves injecting polyurethane foam into the voids under the floor to lift it back into position, followed by filling and sealing any cracks.

How much does garage floor repair cost?

The cost of repairing a sinking garage floor depends on various factors, such as the extent of damage and repair method used. Slabjacking is generally a cost-effective solution compared to other methods.

What should I do if the sinking garage floor is caused by a settling foundation?

If the sinking garage floor is due to a settling foundation, it requires a different approach to repair. Helical piers are commonly used to stabilize both the garage walls and the floor simultaneously.

How do I repair a floating slab garage floor?

For a floating slab garage floor, both piers and slabjacking are needed for repair. Piers are used to stabilize the foundation, while slabjacking lifts the floor. This comprehensive approach ensures proper repair and stabilization.

What can I do to prevent further damage to my sinking garage floor?

Regular maintenance, such as checking for cracks and addressing drainage issues, can help prevent further damage to a sinking garage floor. It’s also advisable to consult with a reputable foundation repair company for a thorough inspection and appropriate repairs.

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