Unlock Greener Living with Recology Compost Services

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By Gio Antinov

Welcome to Recology, your go-to solution for organic waste management and composting services. By partnering with Recology compost, you can make a positive impact on the environment and contribute to a greener future. Our comprehensive compost services are designed to help residents and businesses in San Francisco and San Mateo County reduce waste and adopt sustainable practices.

With Recology, you have the power to customize your service levels and container sizes according to your specific needs. Whether you’re a resident looking to lower your monthly bill or a business aiming for commercial waste diversion, we have the right solutions for you.

Key Takeaways:

  • Recology offers customizable composting and recycling services to residents and businesses in San Francisco and San Mateo County.
  • By partnering with Recology, you can effectively reduce waste sent to landfills and contribute to mitigating climate change.
  • Residents can lower their monthly bill by opting for larger recycling bins and smaller trash bins.
  • Recology provides special services for apartment buildings and condos, ensuring proper recycling and composting facilities.
  • Commercial customers can enjoy discounts based on their diversion success and proper separation of materials.

How to Compost with Recology San Mateo County

Composting with Recology San Mateo County is a simple and environmentally beneficial way to manage your organic waste. When you sign up for their composting program, you will be provided with a kitchen pail and signage to help you get started. By composting, you can reduce the amount of waste that is sent to landfills, which in turn helps combat climate change.

The composting process with Recology is straightforward. Kitchen and garden scraps can be placed in the green compost cart provided by the company. These materials are then composted, capturing carbon in the soil and creating nutrient-rich compost. This compost can be used for various purposes, such as enriching your garden soil or improving the health of your plants.

By participating in the composting program, residents have reported a decrease in their garbage cart size and bill. This means that not only are you contributing to a greener environment, but you are also saving money. To make the composting process even more convenient, Recology San Mateo County accepts compostable bags. However, if you prefer alternatives, you can use newspaper or paper towels as well. Additionally, Recology hosts a yearly Compost Giveaway event, where residents can pick up finished compost for their gardens.

The Benefits of Composting with Recology San Mateo County:

  • Reduces waste sent to landfills.
  • Helps combat climate change by capturing carbon in the soil.
  • Creates nutrient-rich compost for various purposes.
  • Decreases garbage cart size and bill.
  • Accepts compostable bags or alternatives like newspaper or paper towels.
  • Offers a yearly Compost Giveaway event.

By composting with Recology San Mateo County, you can contribute to a greener environment while enjoying the benefits of nutrient-rich compost for your gardening needs. Start composting today and unlock the potential of organic waste management!

composting with Recology San Mateo County

Recycling and Composting for Apartments and Condos

If you live in an apartment or condominium building in San Francisco, you have the opportunity to participate in recycling and composting programs. The City and County of San Francisco require buildings with six or more units to arrange for compost, recycling, and trash services, making it easier than ever to reduce waste and contribute to a greener environment.

When it comes to recycling and composting in apartment buildings, pricing is based on volume. Residents are charged for the size of the recycling and composting bins they use, with discounts applied based on the diversion service provided. By properly sorting materials into the recycling and composting bins, you can even qualify for a diversion discount. This means you can lower your monthly bill while doing your part for the environment.

In addition to the convenience of recycling and composting, Recology San Mateo County provides special services for physically disabled residents who are unable to set their bins out for collection. This ensures that everyone, regardless of their physical abilities, can participate in these important waste management practices.

So, if you live in an apartment or condo in San Francisco, take advantage of the recycling and composting facilities available to you. Not only will you be reducing waste sent to landfills, but you’ll also be eligible for diversion discounts and contributing to a more sustainable future.

apartment recycling

Table: Apartment Rates for Recycling and Composting Services

Apartment SizeRecycling Bin SizeComposting Bin SizeMonthly Rate
Studio32 gallons32 gallons$X.XX
1 Bedroom32 gallons32 gallons$X.XX
2 Bedrooms64 gallons32 gallons$X.XX
3 Bedrooms64 gallons64 gallons$X.XX

Table: The table above shows the apartment rates for recycling and composting services based on apartment size and bin sizes. Please note that the monthly rates may vary and it’s best to contact Recology for the most accurate information specific to your building.

Commercial Waste Diversion with Recology

Recology provides sustainable recycling solutions for businesses through its commercial waste diversion services. By partnering with Recology, businesses can not only reduce their environmental impact but also benefit from cost savings and support a greener future. With a focus on green waste recycling and sustainable practices, Recology offers tailored solutions to help businesses achieve their waste reduction goals.

Customizable Service Configurations

Recology understands that every business has unique waste management needs. That’s why they offer customizable service configurations based on collection frequency, diversion rates, and container sizes. By working closely with businesses to assess their waste stream, Recology can create a tailored waste management plan that maximizes recycling and composting efforts while minimizing landfill service.

Discounts Based on Diversion Success

Recology’s commercial rates are designed to incentivize businesses to achieve high diversion rates. The more materials that are properly sorted into recycling and composting bins, the higher the discounts businesses receive. In fact, businesses that achieve 100% diversion from the landfill can qualify for a maximum discount of 75% off their monthly bill. By actively participating in recycling and composting programs, businesses not only contribute to a sustainable future but also enjoy significant cost savings.

Waste Zero Team Support

Recology understands that transitioning to sustainable waste management practices can be challenging for businesses. That’s why they provide support from their Waste Zero Team. The Waste Zero Team works closely with businesses to develop and implement effective recycling and composting strategies. By offering guidance, training, and ongoing support, Recology ensures that businesses can achieve their waste diversion goals and make a positive impact on the environment.

Benefits of Commercial Waste Diversion with Recology
Cost savings through higher diversion rates
Reduced environmental impact through green waste recycling
Customizable service configurations tailored to business needs
Guidance and support from Recology’s Waste Zero Team

By partnering with Recology for commercial waste diversion, businesses can take meaningful steps towards a more sustainable future. With customizable service configurations, discounts based on diversion success, and support from the Waste Zero Team, Recology provides businesses with the tools and resources they need to reduce waste, save money, and make a positive impact on the environment.

sustainable recycling solutions


Recology compost services offer sustainable solutions for waste management, providing residents and businesses with the opportunity to contribute to reducing waste sent to landfills and mitigating climate change. By embracing composting and recycling, you can play a crucial role in creating a greener future.

Recology understands that each customer’s needs are unique, which is why they offer customizable service levels and container sizes. Whether you’re a homeowner, an apartment resident, or a business owner, you can participate in their composting and recycling programs.

With the convenience of kitchen pails and the benefits of nutrient-rich compost, you can easily adopt greener living practices. Recology’s compost facilities utilize advanced composting technology to ensure the efficient conversion of organic waste into valuable compost. This compost can be used to enrich soil in gardens, parks, and agricultural lands.

To learn more about how to get started with composting and recycling, contact Recology today. Their team of experts will provide you with all the information you need to make a positive impact on the environment while managing your waste responsibly.

FAQ Recology Compost

How can I get started with composting through Recology San Mateo County?

Residents in San Mateo County can get started with composting by signing up for Recology’s compost services. They will provide you with a kitchen pail and signage to help you properly separate your organic waste. Simply place your kitchen and garden scraps in the green compost cart provided, and Recology will take care of the rest.

What are the benefits of composting with Recology San Mateo County?

Composting with Recology San Mateo County has several benefits. It helps reduce waste sent to landfills, which is crucial in combating climate change. Composting also captures carbon in the soil and creates nutrient-rich compost that can be used for various purposes, such as gardening. Additionally, residents have reported a decrease in their garbage cart size and bill through composting.

Can I use compostable bags for my organic waste?

Yes, compostable bags are accepted for organic waste. However, if you prefer alternatives, you can also use newspaper or paper towels to wrap your organic waste before placing it in the green compost cart.

Are there any discounts available for low-income households?

Yes, low-income households may be eligible for a 25% discount on Recology’s compost services. Contact Recology for more information on eligibility and how to apply for the discount.

What discounts are available for recycling and composting services in apartment and condo buildings?

Apartment and condo buildings with six or more units are required to arrange for compost, recycling, and trash services. Recycling and composting bins are charged based on volume, with discounts applied based on the diversion service provided. Properly sorted materials into recycling and compost bins qualify for a diversion discount, with a maximum discount of 75% off the monthly bill.

Do physically disabled residents receive special assistance with waste collection?

Yes, Recology San Mateo County provides special services to physically disabled residents who cannot set their bins out for collection. Contact Recology to discuss your specific needs and requirements.

How can businesses benefit from Recology’s commercial waste management services?

Recology offers commercial waste management services based on service configurations, collection frequency, and diversion rates. Rates are designed to offer discounts to businesses based on their diversion success, with a maximum discount of 75% for businesses that achieve 100% diversion from the landfill. Businesses that properly separate materials into recycling, composting, and trash bins receive higher discounts. Recology’s Waste Zero Team is available to help commercial customers maximize their recycling and composting efforts while minimizing landfill service.

How can I find more information on rates and charges for Recology’s services?

For more information on rates and possible charges for Recology’s services, we recommend contacting Recology directly. They will be able to provide you with detailed information based on your specific needs and requirements.

How can I get started with composting and recycling through Recology?

Getting started with composting and recycling through Recology is easy. Simply contact Recology to inquire about their services and customize your service levels and container sizes based on your needs. They will provide you with all the necessary information and resources to help you unlock greener living through composting and recycling.

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