How To Make DIY Roach Trap: Easy Guide in 2024

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By Kim H

Dealing with roaches in your home can be a frustrating and challenging task. These resilient pests can infiltrate even the cleanest of households, causing discomfort and potential health hazards. However, with a few simple DIY techniques, you can effectively tackle this problem and create a roach-free environment. Grab a coffee and lest chat about how to make DIY Roach trap.

Before we dive into the details of making your own roach traps, it’s essential to understand the behavior and habits of these pests. Roaches are attracted to warm, humid environments and can often be found in areas like kitchen cabinets, bathrooms, and near leaky pipes. By understanding their preferred habitats, you can strategically place your DIY roach traps to maximize their effectiveness.

Now, let’s explore some of the most effective homemade roach traps that you can easily make at home:

Key Takeaways:

  • Roaches can be effectively controlled and eliminated with DIY roach traps.
  • Understanding roach behavior and habitats is crucial for effective pest control.
  • Some types of DIY roach traps include boric acid, diatomaceous earth, glue traps, essential oils, and poison.
  • Be cautious when using poison, especially if you have pets or children.
  • Signs of a roach infestation include roach droppings, smears, shed skin, dead roaches, and roach eggs.

Types of DIY Roach Traps

When it comes to roach control at home, there are several effective DIY roach traps that you can easily make using household items. These homemade pest control solutions offer a practical and affordable approach to eliminating roaches from your living spaces. Here are some types of DIY roach traps that you can consider:

  1. Boric Acid: Boric acid is a common ingredient used in roach control products due to its effectiveness in killing roaches. It works by dehydrating and damaging the exoskeletons of roaches, leading to their demise. To create a boric acid roach trap, mix boric acid powder with sugar and water to form a paste. Place small portions of the paste in areas where roaches are frequently seen, such as behind appliances or in dark corners.
  2. Diatomaceous Earth: Diatomaceous earth is a natural substance that is abrasive to roaches. It cuts through the waxy exoskeletons of roaches, causing them to lose moisture and ultimately die. Sprinkle a thin layer of diatomaceous earth in areas where roaches are active, such as along baseboards or under sinks.
  3. Baking Soda and Sugar: Baking soda mixed with sugar can create an effective homemade roach bait. Roaches are attracted to the sugar and will consume the mixture. Once ingested, the baking soda reacts with the acidic environment in the roach’s stomach, causing it to burst. Mix equal parts baking soda and sugar and place the bait in areas where roaches are commonly found.
  4. Glue Traps: Glue traps are adhesive boards that capture roaches when they come into contact with the sticky surface. These traps are useful for monitoring the severity of an infestation and can give you an idea of the areas where roaches are most active. Simply place the glue traps in strategic locations, such as under sinks or inside cabinets.
  5. Essential Oils: Certain essential oils, such as citrus and oregano oil, have strong fragrances that repel roaches. Mix a few drops of your chosen essential oil with water and spray it around areas prone to roach activity, like kitchen countertops or bathroom cabinets.
  6. Insect Growth Regulators (IGRs): IGRs are chemicals that disrupt the growth and breeding cycle of roaches, preventing them from reaching maturity and reproducing. These products are typically available in spray form and can be applied in areas where roaches are likely to hide or breed.
  7. Poison: Poison baits are another option for controlling roaches, especially in severe infestations. However, caution should be exercised when using poison, especially if you have pets or children in your home. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully and place the poison baits in areas inaccessible to pets or children.

It’s important to note that while DIY roach traps can be effective in controlling roach infestations, they may not completely eliminate the problem. If you have a severe infestation or if your DIY efforts do not yield satisfactory results, it’s recommended to seek professional pest control services.

How to Use Boric Acid and Diatomaceous Earth

Boric acid and diatomaceous earth are two effective DIY roach traps that can help you eliminate roaches from your home. These natural substances work by targeting the roaches’ exoskeletons, leading to their eventual demise.

To use boric acid or diatomaceous earth, follow these steps:

  1. Identify areas where you have noticed roach activity, such as entryways, cabinets, cracks in walls, and under sinks.
  2. Ensure these areas are clean and dry before applying the traps.
  3. If you choose boric acid, sprinkle a thin layer in areas with high roach traffic, making sure it is evenly distributed.
  4. If you opt for diatomaceous earth, spread a thin and consistent layer to ensure roaches come into contact with it.

The powder of boric acid or diatomaceous earth adheres to the roaches’ bodies and causes damage when they ingest it or walk through the treated areas. The powder dehydrates the roaches and damages their exoskeleton, ultimately leading to their death.

Remember to handle boric acid and diatomaceous earth with care, as they can irritate the skin, eyes, and respiratory system. Wear gloves and a mask when applying these substances to protect yourself.

To visualize the application of boric acid and diatomaceous earth, refer to the table and image below:

Boric AcidDiatomaceous Earth
 diatomaceous earth

How to Make Baking Soda Roach Bait

Baking soda is a versatile ingredient that can be used in various DIY solutions, including homemade pest control. In this section, we will explore how to create a simple and effective roach bait using baking soda.

To make baking soda roach bait, you will need:

  • Baking soda
  • Sugar
  • A handful of onions

Here’s how to make the bait:

  1. Mix equal parts baking soda and sugar in a bowl. This combination effectively attracts and kills roaches.
  2. Sprinkle the mixture onto a handful of onions. Roaches are drawn to the scent of onions and will be enticed to consume the bait.

Once the roaches ingest the sugary baking soda, their stomachs will expand and burst when they drink water, causing their demise.

TIP: Alternatively, you can purchase pellets that contain boric acid and baking soda. These ready-to-use pellets can be placed in areas of roach activity, ensuring effective roach control.

Using baking soda as roach bait provides a natural and non-toxic approach to pest control. However, it’s important to note that this method may be more suitable for minor infestations. For severe infestations, it is advisable to seek professional assistance.

Now that you know how to make baking soda roach bait, you can take proactive steps towards eliminating these unwanted pests from your home.

Advantages of Baking Soda Roach BaitDisadvantages of Baking Soda Roach Bait
1. Natural and non-toxic solution1. May be less effective for severe infestations
2. Easily accessible and affordable2. Requires monitoring and frequent bait replacements
3. Can be used in conjunction with other pest control methods3. Time-consuming process
Baking Soda Roach Bait

By following the steps outlined above, you can create a homemade baking soda roach bait that effectively attracts and eliminates roaches. Remember to exercise caution when using any DIY pest control methods and always maintain a clean and hygienic living environment.

Using Glue Traps and Essential Oils

Glue Traps– Open and set up in areas with roach activity
– Place in front of cabinet doors
– Position on countertops and under sinks
– Keep traps out of reach of children and pets
– Use caution when handling and disposing of traps
– Monitor and replace traps regularly
Essential Oils– Mix water with citrus oils (e.g., orange, grapefruit)
– Combine water with herb oils (e.g., oregano, rosemary)
– Spray mixture around the home to repel roaches
– Use essential oils in well-ventilated areas
– Avoid direct contact with essential oils
– Keep essential oils out of reach of children and pets

Glue traps can be a useful tool in catching roaches, especially in smaller infestations. It’s important to strategically place the traps in areas where you see or suspect roach activity, such as in front of cabinet doors, on countertops, and under sinks. By doing so, you can effectively monitor the severity of the infestation based on the number of roaches caught on each trap.

Essential oils, like citrus (orange, grapefruit) and herbs (oregano, rosemary), can serve as natural roach repellents. By mixing water with these essential oils and spraying the mixture around your home, you can deter roaches from entering. This method provides a safer alternative to chemical-based repellents and can help create a more pleasant living environment.

Note: If you have a severe roach infestation, it is recommended to use a combination of methods for more effective control.

Next up: In the next section, we will explore the use of insect growth regulators and poison to combat roach infestations.

Using Insect Growth Regulators and Poison

When it comes to roach control, there are two effective options to consider: insect growth regulators and poison. Both methods can help eliminate roaches from your home, but it’s important to use them cautiously and follow the instructions carefully.

Insect Growth Regulators

Insect growth regulators (IGRs) are sprays that contain insecticides specifically designed to target roaches in their larval or nymph stages, as well as their eggs. These sprays disrupt the roaches’ growth and reproductive capabilities, making it harder for them to establish and maintain an infestation.

IGRs are an effective tool to incorporate into your roach control strategy, especially when combined with other methods that eliminate adult roaches. By targeting roaches at different stages of their life cycle, you can ensure a more comprehensive approach to pest control.


For severe roach infestations, poison can be an effective solution. However, caution must be exercised when using poison, especially if there are pets or children in the home. It’s crucial to read and follow the instructions on the label to minimize any potential risks.

When using poison, strategically place it in areas where roach activity is high, such as near hiding spots, entry points, and areas where you’ve noticed roach droppings. Keep in mind that poison may take some time to work, so patience is key. Additionally, remember to regularly monitor and replace the poison as needed.

While insect growth regulators and poison can be effective tools for roach control, they should be used as part of a comprehensive approach. It’s important to combine these methods with other DIY roach traps, such as boric acid, diatomaceous earth, and glue traps, to maximize your chances of success.

Remember, if you’re unsure about using insect growth regulators or poison, or if you have a severe infestation, it’s best to consult with a professional pest control service. They can assess the situation and provide you with expert advice tailored to your specific needs.

Signs of a Cockroach Infestation

It’s important to be able to identify the signs of a cockroach infestation in your home. Recognizing these signs early on can help you take immediate action to eliminate the infestation and prevent further spread. Here are some common signs to look out for:

  1. Roach droppings: Roach droppings appear as black dust and can be found in areas where roaches reside, such as kitchen cabinets, bathroom corners, and dark crevices. They are often mistaken for coffee grounds or pepper flakes.
  2. Smears or smudges: Roaches can leave behind smears or smudges on surfaces as they squeeze through small spaces. These marks may be noticeable on walls, baseboards, or furniture.
  3. Shed skin: As roaches mature, they shed their skin multiple times. Finding these discarded exoskeletons is a clear indication of roach activity in your home.
  4. Dead roaches: Discovering dead roaches, especially in specific areas like under sinks or near food sources, suggests an underlying roach infestation.
  5. Roach eggs: Roaches reproduce quickly, and one female can lay multiple egg cases. These cases, commonly referred to as oothecae, often adhere to surfaces and contain several eggs.

If you notice any of these signs, it’s crucial to address the issue immediately. Ignoring a roach infestation can lead to it spreading throughout your home and potentially causing health risks. Take steps to eradicate the infestation and implement preventive measures to avoid future roach problems.

Signs of a Cockroach InfestationDescription
Roach droppingsBlack dust-like excrement found in areas where roaches reside.
Smears or smudgesMarks left by roaches as they squeeze through small spaces.
Shed skinDiscarded exoskeletons from maturing roaches.
Dead roachesDiscovering deceased roaches in specific areas of your home.
Roach eggsEgg cases containing multiple roach eggs.

By being aware of these signs, you can promptly address a roach infestation and necessary measures to eliminate these pests from your home.


Dealing with a roach infestation can be daunting, but with the right DIY roach traps and methods, you can effectively eliminate these pests from your home. By utilizing natural roach control solutions such as boric acid, diatomaceous earth, baking soda, glue traps, essential oils, and insect growth regulators, you can target roaches at different stages of their life cycle and disrupt their behavior.

To prevent future infestations, it’s important to stay vigilant and take proactive measures. Keeping your home clean, removing potential food sources, sealing cracks and crevices, and using natural roach repellents can help create a pest-free environment. By following these homemade pest solutions, you can ensure a healthier and more comfortable living space for you and your family.

Don’t let roaches take over your home. With the right approach and natural remedies, you can take control of the situation and eliminate these unwanted pests. Stay proactive, stay informed, and say goodbye to roach infestations for good!

FAQ How To Make DIY Roach Trap

What are some DIY roach traps that I can use at home?

Some effective DIY roach traps include using boric acid, diatomaceous earth, baking soda, glue traps, essential oils, insect growth regulators, and poison.

How do boric acid and diatomaceous earth work as DIY roach traps?

Boric acid and diatomaceous earth work by dehydrating and damaging the exoskeletons of roaches. When roaches ingest or walk through these substances, it leads to their death.

How can I make baking soda roach bait?

To make baking soda roach bait, mix equal parts baking soda and sugar and sprinkle the mixture on a handful of onions. Roaches are attracted to the sugar and will consume the mixture, leading to their death.

Are glue traps and essential oils effective for controlling roaches?

Yes, glue traps can be effective for catching roaches, while essential oils like citrus and herbs can serve as natural roach repellents.

How do insect growth regulators and poison help in roach control?

Insect growth regulators disrupt the growth and breeding cycle of roaches, while poison can be effective for severe infestations. However, caution must be exercised when using poison, especially if there are pets or children in the home.

What are the signs of a cockroach infestation?

Common signs of a cockroach infestation include roach droppings, smears or smudges from roaches squeezing through small spaces, shed skin, dead roaches, and the presence of roach eggs.

How can I effectively eliminate roaches from my home?

By using DIY roach traps and methods such as boric acid, diatomaceous earth, baking soda, glue traps, essential oils, and insect growth regulators, you can effectively eliminate roaches. It’s also important to take preventive measures like keeping your home clean, removing food sources, and sealing cracks and crevices.

Are there any natural solutions for roach control?

Yes, using homemade pest solutions like boric acid, diatomaceous earth, baking soda, and essential oils can provide natural roach control without the use of harsh chemicals.

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