Banish Lizards – Safe Garage Clearing Tips

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By Kim H

Lizards can be unwanted guests in our garages, but there are safe and effective ways to get rid of them. By identifying and removing what attracts lizards to your garage, you can create a critter-free environment. In this article, we will explore the steps and techniques you can use to banish lizards from your garage.

Key Takeaways:

  • Identify and seal any potential entry points for lizards in your garage.
  • Eliminate food sources for lizards by controlling and reducing the presence of insects.
  • Maintain a clean and clutter-free garage to make it less appealing to lizards.
  • Consider using natural deterrents such as lizard-repellent plants to discourage lizards.
  • Explore natural remedies and repellents, such as ammonia-soaked rags or homemade traps, to safely deter lizards.

Understanding Lizard Behavior

Before we dive into the methods of getting rid of lizards, it’s important to understand their behavior. Lizards are attracted to environments that provide food, shelter, and water. They often seek out garages because they offer dark and secluded spaces. Additionally, lizards are known to feed on small bugs, such as flies and mosquitoes. By addressing these factors, we can effectively deter lizards from our garages.

Creating an environment that is unattractive to lizards is key to keeping them out of your garage. The presence of food, shelter, and water sources can make your garage an inviting space for lizards to inhabit. By reducing these attractions, you can discourage lizards from making themselves at home in your garage.

What Attracts Lizards to Garages

  • Dark and secluded spaces: Lizards are naturally drawn to areas that provide them with hiding spots. Garages, with their nooks and crannies, offer the perfect refuge for lizards seeking shelter.
  • Frequent insect activity: Lizards are opportunistic feeders and are attracted to places where they can find a steady supply of small bugs to eat. Garages that have a high population of flies, mosquitoes, and other insects are more likely to attract lizards.

What Repels Lizards from Garages

  • Clean and clutter-free environment: Regularly sweeping and decluttering your garage can help deter lizards. By removing potential hiding spots and minimizing debris, you create a less appealing environment for them.
  • Sealing cracks and gaps: Lizards can enter through even the tiniest openings in your garage. By sealing cracks, gaps, and holes using caulk or copper mesh, you can prevent them from gaining access.
  • Using natural deterrents: Some plants, such as marigolds or lemongrass, are known to repel lizards. Consider planting these around the perimeter of your garage to create a natural barrier.

Remember, understanding lizard behavior is key to effective lizard control. By addressing what attracts and repels lizards, you can take the necessary steps to make your garage a less desirable habitat for these creatures.

Attracts LizardsRepels Lizards
Dark and secluded spacesClean and clutter-free environment
Frequent insect activitySealing cracks and gaps

Identify Lizard Entry Points

The first step in effectively getting rid of lizards from your garage is to identify any potential entry points. By thoroughly inspecting your garage, you can locate cracks, gaps, or openings that may serve as access points for lizards. Common entry points include gaps around doors and windows, vents, and even small holes in the walls. It is crucial to identify these entry points to prevent lizards from entering your garage.

Once you have identified the entry points, it is important to seal them off to create a barrier against lizards. By sealing these openings, you can prevent lizards from entering your garage and finding shelter inside. There are several effective methods for sealing garage openings, including using caulk or copper mesh.

Seal gaps and cracks around doors and windows: Make sure to inspect the areas around doors and windows for any cracks or gaps that may serve as entry points for lizards. Use caulk to seal these openings and create a tight seal against lizards and other pests.

Address vents and openings: Check any vents or openings in your garage, such as air vents or exhaust openings. Use copper mesh to cover these areas, as it is a deterrent for lizards while still allowing proper airflow.

Fill small holes in walls: Lizards can squeeze through even small holes in walls, so it is important to patch up any openings you find. Use caulk or spackle to fill these holes and create a solid barrier.

Example of Common Entry Points for Lizards:

Entry PointLocationRecommended Solution
Gaps around doorsDoor framesApply caulk to seal gaps
Gaps around windowsWindow framesUse caulk to seal gaps
VentsGarage wallsCover vents with copper mesh
Small holesGarage wallsFill with caulk or spackle

By properly identifying and sealing entry points in your garage, you can effectively prevent lizards from entering and taking up residence. This is a crucial step in creating a lizard-free environment in your garage.

Eliminate Lizards’ Food Sources

Lizards are attracted to garages where they can find an abundant supply of small bugs to feed on. To discourage lizards from staying in your garage, it’s crucial to eliminate their food sources. Take steps to control and reduce the presence of insects such as flies, mosquitoes, and spiders in your garage.

  1. Use insect repellents: Spray insect repellents in and around your garage to deter bugs from entering. Look for products that are safe for indoor use and effective against a variety of insects.
  2. Regularly clean the garage: Keep your garage clean and free of any food debris. Sweep and vacuum regularly to remove crumbs, spills, and other potential food sources for bugs.
  3. Seal food containers: Store all food items in airtight containers to prevent attracting bugs. This includes pet food, birdseed, and any other perishable items stored in your garage.
  4. Address breeding areas: Identify and eliminate areas where bugs may be breeding in your garage. Stagnant water, such as in old containers or clogged drains, can attract mosquitoes. Keep your garage dry and free of standing water.

By taking these measures, you can significantly reduce the presence of bugs in your garage, making it a less attractive environment for lizards.

Remember to regularly inspect and maintain the effectiveness of your pest control efforts to ensure long-term success in keeping lizards away from your garage.

getting rid of bugs in the garage

Creating an inhospitable environment for lizards involves both physical and olfactory deterrents. By taking these proactive steps, you can make your garage a less attractive space for lizards, encouraging them to find new habitats away from your property.

Natural Repellents and Remedies

If you’re looking for natural alternatives to deter lizards from your garage, there are several options available. Some popular natural lizard repellents include:

  • Ammonia-soaked rags
  • Naphthalene
  • Sulfur
  • Clove and cinnamon oil
  • Garlic and onions
  • Vinegar
  • Lime

You can also create homemade lizard traps using:

  • Eggshells
  • Mothballs

These natural remedies can help keep lizards away from your garage without the use of harmful chemicals.


“I tried using ammonia-soaked rags in my garage, and it really worked! The lizards stopped coming back after a few days. It’s great to have a natural and effective solution!”

– Sarah W., Florida

Lizard RepellentEffectivenessEase of UseSafety
Ammonia-soaked rags✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅
Clove and cinnamon oil✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅
Garlic and onions✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅


By following the steps and techniques outlined in this article, you can effectively banish lizards from your garage. Remember to eliminate entry points, remove their food sources, and create an inhospitable environment. Utilize natural repellents and remedies to deter lizards without causing harm to them or the environment. With these safe and effective methods, you can enjoy a lizard-free garage.


How can I get rid of lizards in my garage?

To get rid of lizards in your garage, you can follow these steps: identify and seal entry points, eliminate their food sources, make your garage less appealing to lizards, and use natural repellents and remedies

What attracts lizards to garages?

Lizards are attracted to garages because they offer dark and secluded spaces, as well as a steady supply of food in the form of small bugs like flies and mosquitoes

How can I identify the entry points for lizards in my garage?

You can identify entry points for lizards in your garage by thoroughly inspecting for cracks, gaps, and openings around doors, windows, vents, and walls

How can I seal the openings in my garage to prevent lizards from entering?

You can seal the openings in your garage by using caulk or copper mesh to close gaps and cover small holes

What can I do to eliminate lizards’ food sources in my garage?

To eliminate lizards’ food sources in your garage, you can control and reduce the presence of insects like flies, mosquitoes, and spiders by using insect repellents, regular cleaning, and addressing breeding areas

How can I make my garage less appealing to lizards?

You can make your garage less appealing to lizards by keeping it clean and free of clutter, removing piles of debris or objects that provide hiding spots, and using natural deterrents like lizard-repellent plants

What are some natural repellents and remedies to deter lizards from my garage?

Some natural repellents and remedies to deter lizards from your garage include ammonia-soaked rags, naphthalene, sulfur, clove and cinnamon oil, garlic and onions, vinegar, lime, as well as homemade traps using eggshells or mothballs

How can I safely banish lizards from my garage?

By following the steps and techniques outlined in this article, you can safely banish lizards from your garage without causing harm to them or the environment

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