Best Automatic Hay Feeders for Easy Livestock Feeding

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By Kim H

Automatic hay feeders are essential for efficient and convenient livestock feeding. With the ability to dispense food at preset intervals, these feeders streamline the feeding process for busy farmers. From popular models like the EZ8-8 and EZ9-7 to options with metal doors and lexan doors, there is a wide range of automatic hay feeders available on the market. They offer features such as programmable feeding schedules, the ability to mix water and food, and options for grain or hay feeding. Automatic hay feeders promote healthier eating habits for horses and other livestock, prevent overeating, and provide easy access to clean drinking water.

Key Takeaways:

  • Automatic hay feeders simplify and optimize the livestock feeding process.
  • They offer programmable feeding schedules and options for grain or hay feeding.
  • Automatic hay feeders promote healthier eating habits for livestock.
  • They prevent overeating and provide easy access to clean drinking water.
  • With a wide range of models available, farmers can choose the feeder that suits their needs.

Why Choose an Automatic Hay Feeder?

When it comes to livestock feeding, automatic hay feeders offer a range of benefits that make them a smart choice for farmers. The convenience, time-saving, and controlled feeding provided by these innovative devices make them indispensable on any farm.

  • Time-saving: Automatic hay feeders work with minimal supervision, allowing farmers to focus on other important tasks without compromising the well-being of their animals. Once programmed, these feeders take care of the feeding process, delivering the right amount of hay at the right time.
  • Controlled feeding: One of the key advantages of using automatic hay feeders is the ability to regulate the amount of food consumed by livestock. These feeders prevent overeating, promoting healthier eating habits and reducing the risk of digestive problems.
  • Flexible programming: Farmers have the flexibility to set feeding schedules according to their specific requirements. Whether it’s feeding at specific times of the day or adjusting the feeding intervals, automatic hay feeders offer customization options to suit individual farm needs.
  • Reduced risks: With automatic hay feeders, the risk of hay spillage, choking, or injury to animals is significantly reduced. These feeders are designed to dispense hay in a controlled manner, ensuring safe and efficient feeding for livestock.
  • Year-round usability: Unlike manual feeding methods, automatic hay feeders can be used throughout the year, including the winter months. Farmers no longer have to bring hay inside or worry about its storage. The feeders provide a constant supply of hay, keeping the animals well-fed and healthy.

Some automatic hay feeder models even come equipped with built-in cameras, allowing farmers to remotely monitor their animals. This added feature enhances convenience and provides farmers with peace of mind, knowing they can keep an eye on their livestock from anywhere.

Overall, the benefits of using automatic hay feeders, such as controlled feeding, time-saving, and convenience, make them a valuable investment for any farm. These feeders promote optimal animal health, streamline feeding processes, and contribute to efficient farm management.


“Using an automatic hay feeder has been a game-changer for our farm. It has saved us so much time and made feeding our livestock a breeze. I no longer have to worry about overfeeding or manually filling the hay racks every day. It’s convenient, efficient, and our animals are thriving!” – Jane Farmer, Happy Farms

Types and Features of Automatic Hay Feeders

When it comes to automatic hay feeders, there are two main types that cater to different feeding needs: those that accept hay and those that only dispense grain. The choice between the two types depends on the specific preferences and requirements of the farmer.

Automatic hay feeders come with various features designed to optimize the feeding process for livestock. One essential feature is hay capacity, which is measured in pounds or kilograms. Different feeders offer varying capacities to accommodate the feeding requirements of different numbers of horses or livestock.

Grain Feeding and Extra Features

In addition to hay feeding, certain automatic hay feeders are equipped with additional features that enhance the feeding experience. Some feeders offer the option to mix water with food, ensuring animals stay hydrated while they eat. Others allow farmers to add vitamins or minerals to the feed, promoting optimal animal health.

One of the advantages of automatic hay feeders is their ability to dispense food in small portions throughout the day. This regulated feeding method not only prevents overeating but also promotes healthier eating habits for horses and other livestock.

Cleaning and Maintenance

Regular cleaning and maintenance are vital for the optimal performance of automatic hay feeders. Keeping the feeders clean ensures they remain hygienic and prevents the infestation of rodents or insects. Manufacturers provide specific cleaning instructions for each model, and it is important to follow these instructions diligently.

By investing time in proper cleaning and maintenance, farmers can ensure the longevity and effectiveness of their automatic hay feeders, ultimately providing a safe and reliable feeding solution for their livestock.

automatic hay feeder
Types of Automatic Hay FeedersFeatures
Hay feeders• Accept hay for feeding
• Varying hay capacity options
Grain feeders• Dispense grain only
• Option to mix water with food
• Ability to add vitamins or minerals
• Regulated feeding in small portions

Brands and Pricing of Automatic Hay Feeders

When it comes to choosing automatic hay feeders for your livestock, there are several reputable brands that offer a variety of options on the market. These brands provide high-quality feeders that promote animal health, safety, and efficient feeding practices.


Eezkeeper is a popular choice among farmers looking for reliable automatic hay feeders. Their feeders are known for their durability, innovative features, and ease of use. Eezkeeper feeders are designed to ensure animals have consistent access to hay and promote healthier eating habits. With their programmable feeding schedules and efficient hay dispensing mechanisms, Eezkeeper feeders offer convenience and peace of mind.

Quick Feed

Another trusted brand in the industry is Quick Feed. Known for their flexibility and versatility, Quick Feed offers feeders that cater to a variety of feeding needs. Whether you prefer electric or battery operation, Quick Feed has options for you. Their feeders allow for customizable feeding times and come with user-friendly programming features. Quick Feed feeders are designed to minimize hay waste and ensure controlled feeding for livestock.


Moultrie is a reputable brand that offers automatic hay feeders with unique features to meet specific feeding requirements. Their range includes directional hanging feeders and all-in-one feeders with timers. Moultrie feeders are built to be sturdy and reliable, ensuring durability in various farm conditions. With accurate feeding schedules and durable construction, Moultrie feeders provide convenience and efficient feeding practices.

When it comes to pricing, the cost of automatic hay feeders can vary depending on the brand, capacity, and features. Typically, automatic hay feeders range from $200 to $500. While the initial investment may seem significant, the convenience, time-saving, and health benefits offered by these feeders make them a worthwhile investment for farmers.

automatic hay feeders

Comparison of Brands and Pricing

Eezkeeper$300 – $400
Quick Feed$250 – $350
Moultrie$200 – $500

As the table above illustrates, pricing for automatic hay feeders can vary between brands. It’s important to consider factors such as brand reputation, features, and capacity when making your purchasing decision.


In conclusion, automatic hay feeders offer a multitude of benefits for farmers and livestock owners. These innovative tools provide convenience and time-saving advantages, allowing farmers to focus on other important tasks while ensuring their animals are consistently fed. With automatic hay feeders, farmers can have peace of mind knowing that their livestock have access to clean drinking water at all times.

One of the key advantages of automatic hay feeders is their ability to regulate feeding and prevent overeating. By controlling the amount of food consumed, these feeders promote healthier eating habits for horses and other livestock, reducing the risk of digestive problems and ensuring optimal animal health.

Moreover, the convenience of automatic hay feeders cannot be overstated. Farmers can program feeding schedules according to their needs, saving valuable time and effort. Additionally, the variety of brands, types, and features available allows farmers to choose the automatic hay feeder that best suits their specific requirements.

Investing in an automatic hay feeder is a wise choice for optimizing feeding practices and improving overall farm management. With the benefits of convenience, improved horse health, and regulated feeding, automatic hay feeders are an invaluable asset for farmers seeking efficient and effective livestock feeding solutions.

FAQ Automatic Hay Feeders

Are automatic hay feeders essential for efficient livestock feeding?

Yes, automatic hay feeders are essential for efficient and convenient livestock feeding. They streamline the feeding process by dispensing food at preset intervals, allowing farmers to attend to other tasks.

What are the benefits of using automatic hay feeders?

Automatic hay feeders prevent overeating, promote healthier eating habits, and provide easy access to clean drinking water for horses and other livestock. They also offer flexible programming options and reduce the risk of hay spillage, choking, or injury to animals.

What types of automatic hay feeders are available?

There are two main types of automatic hay feeders: those that accept hay and those that only dispense grain. The choice depends on the specific needs and preferences of the farmer.

What features do automatic hay feeders have?

Automatic hay feeders can have features such as programmable feeding schedules, the ability to mix water and food, and options for grain or hay feeding. They can also be equipped with features like adding vitamins or minerals and dispensing food in small portions throughout the day.

How should automatic hay feeders be cleaned?

It is essential to clean automatic hay feeders regularly to ensure they remain hygienic and effective in preventing rodents or insects. Manufacturers provide specific cleaning instructions, and it is important to follow them for optimal performance.

What brands offer automatic hay feeders?

Several reputable brands offer automatic hay feeders, including Eezkeeper, Quick Feed, and Moultrie. These brands provide a variety of options with different capacities, features, and pricing.

How much do automatic hay feeders cost?

The pricing of automatic hay feeders can range from $200 to $500, depending on the brand, capacity, and features. Despite the initial cost, the convenience, time-saving, and health benefits make them a worthwhile investment for farmers.

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