Do Plumbers Fix Garbage Disposal? Your Answer Explained.

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By Gio Antinov

When your garbage disposal starts acting up, you might be wondering who to call for repairs. The short answer is that both appliance repair technicians and plumbers can address issues with garbage disposals. The choice between the two depends on the type and extent of the problem. Garbage disposals are meant to dispose of food waste only, and improper use can lead to issues. Most disposals last between three and five years with normal use. In some cases, it is more cost-effective to replace a broken disposal with a new one.

Key Takeaways:

  • Both appliance repair technicians and plumbers can fix garbage disposals
  • The choice depends on the type and extent of the problem
  • Garbage disposals are designed for food waste only
  • Regular maintenance and proper use can extend the lifespan of a garbage disposal
  • In some cases, it may be more cost-effective to replace a broken disposal

Common Garbage Disposal Problems and Solutions

Garbage disposals can experience various issues that can disrupt their functionality. Understanding these common problems and their solutions can help you troubleshoot and address them effectively. Here are some of the most common garbage disposal problems:

  1. Clogging: Clogs in the garbage disposal can occur due to the accumulation of food waste, grease, or other debris. To address this issue, you can try using a plunger or a disposal wrench to dislodge the blockage. Alternatively, you can use a mixture of baking soda and vinegar to dissolve the clog.
  2. Leaking: Leaks can occur from various parts of the garbage disposal, such as the drain pipe or the dishwasher connection. Checking for loose connections or damaged seals and tightening or replacing them can help resolve the issue.
  3. Foul Odors: A smelly garbage disposal can be unpleasant. Regularly cleaning the disposal by grinding ice cubes, citrus peels, or baking soda can help eliminate odors. Additionally, running cold water while using the disposal and avoiding putting strong-smelling foods down the drain can also prevent foul smells.
  4. Motor Failure: If the garbage disposal is not turning on or making a humming noise, it could indicate a motor issue. In such cases, it may be necessary to replace the motor or the entire unit.

By understanding these common problems and their solutions, you can troubleshoot and address issues with your garbage disposal effectively. However, it’s important to remember that more complex problems or situations that require professional expertise should be handled by a licensed plumber or appliance repair technician.

CloggingUse a plunger or disposal wrench to dislodge the blockage. Alternatively, use a mixture of baking soda and vinegar to dissolve the clog.
LeakingCheck for loose connections or damaged seals and tighten or replace them accordingly.
Foul OdorsClean the disposal regularly by grinding ice cubes, citrus peels, or baking soda. Run cold water while using the disposal and avoid putting strong-smelling foods down the drain.
Motor FailureIf the disposal is not turning on or making a humming noise, it may require motor replacement or a new unit.

Remember to consult a professional if you are unsure about how to address a particular problem or if the issue persists despite your efforts. Regular maintenance and proper usage can help extend the lifespan of your garbage disposal and prevent future problems.

When to Call a Plumber or Appliance Repair Technician

When experiencing issues with your garbage disposal, you may be unsure whether to call a plumber or an appliance repair technician. The decision depends on the specific problem at hand. For simple issues such as clogs or minor leaks, an appliance repair technician can often provide the necessary assistance. They have the expertise to diagnose and resolve these common problems.

However, for more complex issues or if a replacement is needed, it is best to call a licensed plumber. Plumbers are experienced in addressing a wide range of garbage disposal problems. They have the necessary tools and knowledge to identify the underlying cause and provide the appropriate solution.

In cases where a new garbage disposal is required, a plumber can offer recommendations for replacement options that best suit your needs. They can also ensure proper installation, optimizing the functionality and longevity of your new disposal.

When in doubt, it’s always a good idea to consult with a professional. They can assess the situation and provide the expert guidance needed to resolve your garbage disposal issues.

DIY Tips for Garbage Disposal Maintenance

Proper maintenance is essential for keeping your garbage disposal running smoothly. By following a few simple steps, you can prevent common issues and prolong its lifespan. Here are some DIY tips for garbage disposal maintenance:

Regular Cleaning:

Regularly cleaning your garbage disposal helps remove built-up debris and prevent odors. You can create a natural cleaning solution by mixing baking soda and white vinegar. Pour the mixture down the disposal and let it sit for a few minutes before rinsing with cold water. This simple cleaning routine should be done once a month to keep your disposal fresh and odor-free.

Proper Use:

It’s important to use your garbage disposal properly to avoid damage. Only dispose of food waste, avoiding non-food items, greasy substances, and fibrous foods that can clog the disposal. Using cold water when running the disposal helps solidify any grease or oil, making it easier to break down and preventing the risk of clogs. After turning off the disposal, let the water run for about 30 seconds to a minute to ensure all waste is flushed away.

Preventive Maintenance:

Performing regular preventive maintenance tasks can help prevent future problems. One such task is checking the disposal for any large objects or foreign debris that may have accidentally fallen in. Running cold water while grinding ice cubes can help clean the blades and remove any residue. Additionally, grinding citrus peels can help eliminate odors and keep your disposal smelling fresh.

By following these DIY tips for garbage disposal maintenance, you can keep your disposal in good working condition and avoid costly repairs. Remember to always prioritize safety and consult a professional if you encounter a problem that requires expert assistance.

garbage disposal maintenance

Signs You Need Garbage Disposal Repair or Replacement

If you’re experiencing any of the following signs with your garbage disposal, it may be time to consider repair or replacement:

  • Frequent Clogs: If your garbage disposal is frequently getting clogged, even after attempting DIY troubleshooting, it could be a sign of a more serious underlying problem. Clogs can lead to inefficient operation and potential damage to the disposal.
  • Water Leaks: Persistent water leaks from your garbage disposal can indicate broken seals or pipes. Not only can leaks lead to water damage, but they can also create an unsanitary environment in your kitchen.
  • Strange Noises: Unusual or loud noises coming from your garbage disposal, such as grinding, rattling, or screeching, may indicate mechanical issues. Continuing to use the disposal in this state can cause further damage.
  • Persistent Bad Smells: If you’ve tried cleaning your garbage disposal but the bad smells persist, it could be a sign of trapped food particles or other substances stuck in the disposal’s components. This can lead to bacteria growth and unpleasant odors.

Recognizing these signs is crucial for preventing further damage and ensuring the functionality of your garbage disposal. In some cases, repair by a professional plumber may be able to resolve the issue. However, if the problems are severe or the disposal is nearing the end of its lifespan, replacement may be the more cost-effective and long-term solution.

garbage disposal repair or replacement

Table: Comparison of Garbage Disposal Repair and Replacement

CostGenerally less expensiveHigher upfront cost, but may be more cost-effective in the long run
Extent of DamageEffective for minor issues and component replacementsSuitable for severe damage or old disposals nearing the end of their lifespan
LifespanCan extend the lifespan of the existing disposalProvides a fresh start with a new unit and longer lifespan
EfficiencyMay restore the disposal’s efficiency if the problem is addressed correctlyNewer models offer improved efficiency and performance
ConvenienceRepairs can typically be done within a few hours or daysInstallation of a new disposal may take longer but provides enhanced convenience

Remember, it’s important to consult a professional plumbing service to assess the state of your garbage disposal and determine the most suitable course of action. They have the knowledge and expertise to diagnose the problem accurately and provide appropriate solutions.


Recognizing the signs that indicate your garbage disposal needs repair or replacement is crucial for maintaining the functionality of your kitchen. Issues such as frequent clogs, water leaks, strange noises, and persistent bad smells may require professional attention. Consulting with a licensed plumber will help you determine whether repair or replacement is the most appropriate solution, taking into account factors such as cost, extent of damage, lifespan, efficiency, and convenience.

Troubleshooting Garbage Disposal Problems

If you’re experiencing issues with your garbage disposal, there are a few troubleshooting steps you can take before calling in professional plumbing services. By following these simple guidelines, you may be able to resolve the problem on your own.

Step 1: Check the Power Source

Start by ensuring that the garbage disposal is properly plugged in and that the circuit breaker is not tripped. Sometimes, a loose connection or a power outage can cause the disposal to stop working. If everything appears to be in order, move on to the next step.

Step 2: Reset the Disposal

Most garbage disposals are equipped with a built-in circuit breaker. Look for a small red button underneath the disposal unit. Pressing this button will reset the circuit breaker and may resolve the issue. If the disposal still doesn’t turn on, there may be an electrical problem that requires further investigation.

Step 3: Clearing a Jam

If your garbage disposal is jammed, it won’t be able to grind food waste properly. To clear a jam, make sure the disposal is turned off and disconnect the power source. You can use a wrench or a long stick to manually rotate the blades and dislodge any obstructions. Once the jam is cleared, restore power to the disposal and test it by running water and turning it on.

If these DIY troubleshooting steps don’t resolve the issue, it’s best to seek professional plumbing services. A licensed plumber will have the expertise and tools necessary to diagnose and fix more complex problems with your garbage disposal.

garbage disposal troubleshooting
ProblemTroubleshooting Steps
Garbage disposal not turning on1. Check the power source. 2. Reset the disposal’s circuit breaker. 3. Inspect for electrical issues.
Leaking from the bottom1. Determine if it’s repairable or needs replacement. 2. Call professional plumbing services.
Smelly garbage disposal1. Clean the disposal regularly using natural household items. 2. Avoid putting food waste that causes odor.
Jammed disposal1. Turn off the disposal and disconnect the power. 2. Use a wrench or a long stick to dislodge the obstruction. 3. Restore power and test.

By following these troubleshooting steps and knowing when to call for professional help, you can keep your garbage disposal running smoothly and avoid unnecessary repair costs.


Dealing with garbage disposal problems can be a headache, but knowing when to seek professional help and when to attempt DIY troubleshooting can make all the difference. Professional plumbing services offer expertise in garbage disposal repair and replacement, ensuring that your issues are resolved efficiently and effectively.

Regular maintenance and proper usage are also key to preventing future problems with your garbage disposal. Simple tasks like cleaning with natural household items and avoiding putting non-food items or greasy foods down the disposal can go a long way in prolonging its lifespan.

When it comes to repair or replacement, don’t hesitate to reach out to professional plumbing services. They have the knowledge, tools, and experience to diagnose and fix a wide range of garbage disposal issues. Whether you need a simple repair or a full replacement, they can provide the solutions you need.

Remember, a well-maintained and properly functioning garbage disposal is essential for a clean and efficient kitchen. Take the necessary steps to address any problems and keep your garbage disposal running smoothly for years to come.


Do plumbers fix garbage disposals?

Yes, plumbers can address issues with garbage disposals.

What are some common garbage disposal problems?

Common problems include leaking from the bottom, smelly disposal, and the disposal not turning on.

When should I call a plumber or an appliance repair technician?

For simple issues like clogs or minor leaks, an appliance repair technician may suffice. For more complex problems or if a replacement is needed, it is best to call a licensed plumber.

What can I do to maintain my garbage disposal?

Regular cleaning with natural household items, avoiding putting non-food items or greasy/fibrous foods down the disposal, and running cold water for at least 30 seconds after use can help maintain your garbage disposal.

What are the signs that indicate I need garbage disposal repair or replacement?

Signs include frequent clogs, water leaks, strange noises, and persistent bad smells. If these problems persist despite regular maintenance, it may be time to call a professional for repair or replacement.

How can I troubleshoot garbage disposal problems?

You can check the power source, reset the disposal’s circuit breaker, or attempt to dislodge obstructions using a wrench or long stick. If these DIY troubleshooting steps don’t work, it’s time to seek professional plumbing services.

Where can I find professional plumbing services for garbage disposal repair or replacement?

You can reach out to licensed plumbers who specialize in garbage disposal repair and replacement.

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