Beauty Pie Reviews

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By Kim H

Table of Contents

Your Ultimate Guide To Beauty Pie Makeup and Skincare reviews

Welcome to your ultimate guide on Beauty Pie reviews. In this comprehensive exploration of Beauty Pie, we will delve into the fascinating world of this disruptive beauty brand, shedding light on its products, membership model, and, most importantly, what customers have to say. Whether you’re considering joining Beauty Pie or simply seeking the best products for your skincare and makeup routine, this guide is your go-to resource for informed decisions.

Overview of Beauty Pie

Beauty Pie has been making waves in the beauty industry, offering luxury skincare and makeup products at factory prices. Founded by Marcia Kilgore, the brains behind brands like Bliss and Soap & Glory, Beauty Pie has a unique membership-based business model that allows members to access high-quality products at remarkably low prices.

This brand has built its reputation on transparency, quality, and affordability, promising to deliver luxury beauty minus the hefty price tags. But how does Beauty Pie live up to these promises? We’ll explore this in-depth as we move forward.

Why Reviews Matter in Beauty Purchases

Before we dive into the specifics of Beauty Pie, let’s address the significance of reviews in the world of beauty purchases. In today’s digital age, consumers have a wealth of information at their fingertips, and reviews play a crucial role in their decision-making process.

When it comes to skincare and makeup, where personal experiences can vary widely, reviews provide valuable insights into product performance, efficacy, and suitability for different skin types. They offer a glimpse into real-life experiences, helping potential buyers navigate the vast sea of beauty products.

In the following chapters, we will explore firsthand accounts, expert opinions, and insights from various sources to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of Beauty Pie’s offerings and its place in the beauty industry. So, let’s embark on this journey to uncover the truth behind Beauty Pie’s products and discover whether they live up to the hype.

Chapter 2. What is Beauty Pie?

In this chapter, we’ll take a deep dive into the world of Beauty Pie and explore the key elements that set this brand apart in the beauty industry. From its innovative membership model to its disruptive approach, we’ll uncover what makes Beauty Pie a unique player in the beauty market.

2.1. Understanding the Beauty Pie Membership Model

The Membership Advantage

Beauty Pie’s membership model is at the heart of what makes this brand so intriguing. When you become a Beauty Pie member, you gain access to a world of premium beauty products at cost prices. This means that you can enjoy luxury skincare and makeup without the luxury price tag.

How It Works

  1. Monthly Membership Fee: To join Beauty Pie, you pay a monthly membership fee. This fee unlocks your ability to shop for products at members’ prices, which are significantly lower than traditional retail prices.
  2. Monthly Spending Limit: Beauty Pie sets a monthly spending limit for its members. This limit ensures fairness and prevents reselling, allowing more members to enjoy the benefits.
  3. Transparency: One of the key principles of Beauty Pie is transparency. The brand is upfront about product costs, so you know exactly how much you’re saving as a member.

Why It Matters

The membership model challenges the traditional beauty industry by eliminating the markup associated with luxury brands. It empowers consumers to access high-quality products without overpaying. But does it live up to its promises? We’ll explore this as we progress through the guide.

2.2. How Beauty Pie Disrupts the Beauty Industry

The Disruptive Force

Beauty Pie’s arrival on the beauty scene sent shockwaves through the industry. It challenged the status quo by offering a new way to experience beauty products. But how exactly does Beauty Pie disrupt the industry?

Direct-to-Consumer Model: Beauty Pie bypasses traditional retail markups by selling directly to consumers through its online platform. This cuts out middlemen and reduces costs.

Cutting-Edge Formulas: The brand invests in cutting-edge formulations, focusing on product quality rather than excessive packaging or marketing expenses.

Consumer-Centric Approach: Beauty Pie puts consumers first, aligning its pricing model with their interests. The brand believes in empowering customers to make informed choices.

2.3. Beauty Pie’s Product Range

A Diverse Selection

Beauty Pie offers a wide range of products, catering to various skincare and makeup needs. From serums and moisturizers to lipsticks and eyeshadows, there’s something for everyone.

Quality Assurance: The brand places a strong emphasis on quality, ensuring that each product meets its high standards.

Constant Innovation: Beauty Pie frequently introduces new products and formulations, staying ahead of beauty trends.

As we move forward in this guide, we’ll explore the specifics of Beauty Pie’s product offerings, uncovering which products have garnered rave reviews and why. So, if you’re eager to know which Beauty Pie products might become your new beauty essentials, stay tuned for the next chapter.

Chapter 3. Why Trust Beauty Pie Reviews?

When it comes to making informed beauty purchases, trust is paramount. In this chapter, we delve into the world of beauty product reviews, their significance, and why trusting Beauty Pie reviews should be an essential part of your decision-making process.

3.1. The Importance of Honest and Unbiased Reviews

The Power of Reviews

Product reviews serve as a crucial compass in the vast landscape of beauty products. They provide insights, opinions, and real-life experiences that can guide your choices.

Honesty Matters

  1. Transparency: Honest reviews offer transparency into a product’s performance, scent, texture, and any potential drawbacks.
  2. Building Trust: Brands that encourage honest reviews build trust with their customers. Beauty Pie’s commitment to transparency is reflected in its encouragement of unfiltered feedback.

Balancing Positives and Negatives

Honest reviews strike a balance between what works and what doesn’t. They’re not just a platform for venting frustrations but a resource for constructive feedback.

3.2. Sources of Beauty Pie Reviews

Where to Find Beauty Pie Reviews

In your quest for trustworthy Beauty Pie reviews, knowing where to look is crucial. Here are some key sources:

  1. Beauty Pie Website: Start with Beauty Pie’s own website, where members often leave reviews. These reviews can provide valuable insights into the brand’s products.
  2. Social Media: Platforms like Instagram and YouTube host a community of beauty enthusiasts who share their experiences with Beauty Pie products. Look for hashtags and video reviews.
  3. Third-Party Retailers: If you’re considering purchasing Beauty Pie products through third-party retailers, read the reviews there as well. They can provide a broader perspective.
  4. Beauty and Lifestyle Blogs: Bloggers often review Beauty Pie products in detail, offering comprehensive insights.

3.3. How to Spot Fake Reviews

Navigating the Review Landscape

In the digital age, fake reviews can be astumbling block in your quest for reliable information. Here’s how to spot them:

1. Check the Language: Look for overly promotional language or reviews that seem too good to be true. Authentic reviews are balanced and often mention both pros and cons.

2. Reviewer Profiles: Investigate the profiles of reviewers. If they’ve only left one review or have multiple suspiciously similar reviews, be cautious.

3. Consistency: Cross-reference reviews from multiple sources. Genuine reviews often align in terms of the product’s general performance.

4. Trust Your Instincts: If something feels off about a review, trust your instincts. It’s better to be cautious than to be misled.

As we proceed with our exploration of Beauty Pie reviews, we’ll uncover what customers are saying about specific products. But remember, a critical eye and discernment are your best tools when navigating the world of beauty reviews.

Chapter 4. Beauty Pie Reviews: What Are Customers Saying?

In this chapter, we dive into the world of Beauty Pie reviews by exploring what customers and reputable sources have to say about their experiences with Beauty Pie products. From beauty enthusiasts to industry experts, their insights paint a vivid picture of what you can expect from this brand.

4.1. Insights from Cosmopolitan

Cosmopolitan’s Take

Cosmopolitan, a renowned beauty and lifestyle magazine, has featured Beauty Pie products in its beauty editorials. Their insights often provide a glimpse into the latest trends and standout products. We’ll uncover what Cosmopolitan has highlighted about Beauty Pie’s offerings.

4.2. Trustpilot’s Take on Beauty Pie

Trustpilot: A Hub for Customer Reviews

Trustpilot is a popular platform for customer reviews, and it’s a treasure trove of unfiltered opinions. We’ll explore what Trustpilot users have to say about their experiences with Beauty Pie, giving you an unbiased look into the brand’s performance.

4.3. Women’s Health and Their Beauty Pie Experience

Women’s Health Magazine

Women’s Health is a trusted source for health and beauty advice. We’ll delve into Women’s Health’s take on Beauty Pie and how their perspective aligns with the brand’s ethos of empowering consumers to make informed choices.

4.4. Thingtesting’s Perspective

Thingtesting: Discovering New Brands

Thingtesting is a platform dedicated to discovering and exploring new brands. We’ll see how they view Beauty Pie, a brand known for its unique membership model and approach to beauty.

4.5. Elle’s Honest Review

Elle Magazine’s Review

Elle, a globally recognized fashion and beauty magazine, often reviews products to help readers make informed choices. We’ll uncover Elle’s honest take on Beauty Pie and its place in the competitive beauty industry.

4.6. Well+Good’s Niacinamide Serum Review

Well+Good’s In-Depth Review

Well+Good is a platform focused on wellness and beauty. Their in-depth review of Beauty Pie’s Niacinamide Serum provides insights into this specific product and how it fits into your skincare routine.

4.7. Red Magazine’s Recommendations

Red Magazine’s Beauty Picks

Red Magazine is known for its beauty recommendations. We’ll explore which Beauty Pie products have caught their attention and why they recommend them to their readers.

4.8. Jasmine Talks Beauty’s Softening Cream Review

Jasmine Talks Beauty’s Perspective

Jasmine Talks Beauty is a beauty influencer who shares her experiences with various skincare products. We’ll discover Jasmine’s take on Beauty Pie’s Softening Cream and how it measures up in her skincare routine.

As we journey through these insights, you’ll gain a comprehensive understanding of what customers and experts have to say about Beauty Pie’s products, helping you make informed decisions about your beauty purchases.

Chapter 5. Is Beauty Pie Worth the Membership?

When it comes to beauty and skincare, one of the key considerations for consumers is whether a brand is worth the investment. In this chapter, we’ll dissect the Beauty Pie membership model and evaluate its pricing, benefits, and overall value proposition.

5.1. Beauty Pie’s Pricing Model

Understanding the Cost Structure

Beauty Pie’s unique approach to pricing has stirred curiosity in the beauty community. We’ll break down their pricing model, explaining how it works and what it means for your wallet.

5.2. Pros and Cons of Beauty Pie Membership

Benefits vs. Drawbacks

Like any membership program, Beauty Pie comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. We’ll provide an objective analysis of the pros and cons, helping you decide if it aligns with your beauty preferences.

5.3. Real User Experiences

Hearing from Beauty Pie Members

We’ll share real user experiences and testimonials from Beauty Pie members. These firsthand accounts will give you insight into what it’s like to be a part of the Beauty Pie community and whether it lives up to the hype.

5.4. Member Benefits and Discounts

Exploring the Perks

Membership often comes with exclusive benefits and discounts. We’ll explore the perks that Beauty Pie offers to its members and how they can enhance your beauty shopping experience.

By the end of this chapter, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of the cost, benefits, and user experiences associated with Beauty Pie’s membership model. This knowledge will equip you to make an informed decision about whether Beauty Pie is the right choice for your skincare and beauty needs.

Chapter 6. The Best Beauty Pie Products According to Reviews

In the quest for beauty and skincare perfection, finding the right products is paramount. In this chapter, we delve into the world of Beauty Pie products, highlighting the best-rated items according to reviews, uncovering common themes in positive feedback, and showcasing the must-try gems from their product lineup.

6.1. Top-Rated Beauty Pie Products

Crème de la Crème

Discover the crème de la crème of Beauty Pie’s product range. We’ve sifted through reviews, feedback, and expert opinions to compile a list of the top-rated Beauty Pie products that have garnered consistent acclaim.

6.2. Common Themes in Positive Reviews

What Makes These Products Shine

There’s more to a top-rated product than just high ratings. We’ll explore the common themes and attributes that make these Beauty Pie products stand out in the crowded beauty market.

6.3. Must-Try Beauty Pie Items

Your Beauty Pie Shopping List

Looking to revamp your skincare routine or enhance your makeup collection? We’ve curated a list of must-try Beauty Pie items that have left customers raving. Whether you’re a beauty enthusiast or a skincare connoisseur, these products deserve a spot on your shopping list.

By the end of this chapter, you’ll be armed with insights into the best Beauty Pie products based on reviews and real user experiences. Whether you’re seeking a game-changing skincare product or makeup that dazzles, this chapter will guide you towards the beauty gems that have garnered the stamp of approval from Beauty Pie enthusiasts.

Chapter 7. FAQs about Beauty Pie

Navigating the world of Beauty Pie may leave you with questions, and in this chapter, we’ve got the answers. We address some of the most frequently asked questions about Beauty Pie to ensure you have a clear understanding of this beauty membership service.

7.1. Is Beauty Pie Cruelty-Free?

Compassion for Your Skin and Beyond

Animal welfare is a top concern for many beauty enthusiasts. Here, we delve into Beauty Pie’s stance on cruelty-free practices, revealing whether their products align with your values.

7.2. How Long Does It Take to See Results with Beauty Pie Products?

Patience and Persistence Pay Off

When it comes to skincare, patience is a virtue. We explore the typical timelines for seeing results with Beauty Pie products, helping you set realistic expectations for your beauty journey.

7.3. Are Beauty Pie Products Suitable for Sensitive Skin?

Gentle Beauty for Delicate Skin

Sensitive skin requires special care. Discover whether Beauty Pie’s product range is suitable for those with sensitive skin and what precautions you can take to ensure a soothing skincare experience.

7.4. How Does Beauty Pie Compare to Other High-End Brands?

The Beauty Pie Difference

In a market filled with high-end beauty brands, we draw comparisons between Beauty Pie and other well-known names. Uncover what sets Beauty Pie apart and whether it’s a worthy contender in the world of luxury cosmetics.

7.5. Can Non-Members Purchase Beauty Pie Products?

Exploring Accessibility

You don’t need to be a member to access Beauty Pie products, but there are nuances to consider. We break down the options for both members and non-members, ensuring you can make informed decisions on your beauty purchases.

By the end of this chapter, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of the key aspects surrounding Beauty Pie, from their cruelty-free practices to their accessibility for non-members. Your journey to beautiful skin with Beauty Pie will be guided by clarity and knowledge, helping you make confident choices in your beauty regimen.


Chapter 8. Conclusion

As we conclude this comprehensive guide to Beauty Pie reviews, you should now have a wealth of information to help you navigate the world of this innovative beauty membership service. Throughout the chapters, we’ve covered everything from the fundamental aspects of Beauty Pie to real customer reviews and frequently asked questions. Now, it’s time to bring it all together.

8.1. Summing Up Beauty Pie Reviews

In this chapter, we’ll summarize some of the key takeaways from our exploration of Beauty Pie. We’ll revisit the highlights and insights from earlier chapters to ensure you have a clear picture of what Beauty Pie is all about.

8.2. Making an Informed Decision

Knowledge is power, especially when it comes to your beauty routine. In this section, we’ll provide you with some essential tips and considerations to make informed decisions about using Beauty Pie products or becoming a member.

8.3. Your Path to Beautiful Skin with Beauty Pie

Lastly, we’ll discuss how you can embark on your personal journey to beautiful skin with Beauty Pie. Whether you’re interested in specific products or contemplating a membership, we’ll guide you toward achieving your skincare and beauty goals.

By the end of this guide, you should feel equipped to make confident choices about your beauty purchases, armed with insights from expert reviews, real user experiences, and a thorough understanding of Beauty Pie’s unique membership model. Beautiful, radiant skin is within reach, and Beauty Pie can be your trusted ally in achieving it.

SaleBestseller No. 1
QUSTERE Pimple Patches for Face, Hydrocolloid Acne Patches, Cute Star Zit Covers, Colorful Spot Stickers with Tea Tree, Salicylic Acid & Cica Oil| 3 Sizes (10mm, 12mm & 14mm) |200 Count
  • ❤️【Various Colors and Sizes】: QUSTERE acne patches come in a big pack of 200 pcs, including 5 colors: pink, yellow, blue, green, and transparent, 3 sizes: S-10mm(50pcs), M-12mm(100pcs), and L-14mm(include 50pcs). Cute star pimple patches help to absorb secretions while covering up acne. The hydrocolloid acne patches through clinically tested by our researcher, improve the look of pimples overnight without the popping. Just stick it on, absorb zit liquid and shrinks spots, more clearer-looking skin.
  • ❤️【Natural Ingredients】: Star pimple patches for face use with natural ingredients, which include tea tree oil(calming, soothing, and pore-tightening), salicylic acid(penetrating pores and helping to clear up skin), Centella(Prevents excess oiliness that leads to acne), and hydrocolloid(Promote clear-looking skin). These acne patches are ideal for absorbing gunk from acne, whiteheads. Our blotch-covered stickers will shrink your zit overnight! Speed up the acne elimination process.
  • ❤️【Individually Packaged】: Each cute star pimple patches sheet is individually packaged. Therefore, don’t worry about losing the effectiveness of the patches once opening the package. And easy to peel off and use. Cleanse the area around the acne, select a bigger size patch than the spot then stick the patch on the acne. These thin acne stickers have brilliant adhesiveness no falling even overnight, and won’t cause irritation. Always be ready to tackle any unexpected blemishes.
  • ❤️【Vegetarian-friendly】: Skincare pimple patches are vegan-friendly, hypoallergenic, dermatologist-tested, animal testing-free, parabens-free, sulfates-free, and phthalates-free. These acne spot stickers are for face zit patches and body acne. Our patches is skin-friendly for all skin type. These hydrocolloids sticker could as a protective cover for your face and body acne pimple, isolating dust within 24 hours.
  • ❤️【Fit for All Skin Types & Occasions】: These zit patches are non-toxic, non-drying. The design of 5 colors and star shape makes our acne patch suitable for makeup use, and fit lots of occasions such as sleeping, costume party, wedding, festival party, shopping, travel, work, and so on. Decorate with these cute and effective pimples to make you more cute. Vegan-friendly, not tested on Animals – use hydrocolloid pimple patches for any skin type.
Bestseller No. 2
e.l.f. SKIN Hydrated Ever After Skincare Mini Kit, Cleanser, Makeup Remover, Moisturiser & Eye Cream For Hydrating Skin, Airplane-Friendly Sizes
  • A COMPLETE HYDRATION REGIMEN: This skincare kit has all of your favorite Holy Hydration necessities- a Holy Hydration. Daily Cleanser, Holy Hydration. Makeup Melting Cleansing Balm, Hydrating Booster Drops, Holy Hydration. Face Cream and Eye Cream.
  • CLEANS and NOURISHES SKIN: This step-by-step skincare regimen will have your face feeling soft, supple and hydrated no matter where you are – think of it as your face’s happily ever after.
  • INFUSED WITH HYALURONIC ACID: e.l.f. SKIN’s Hoy Hydration. products are infused with Hyaluronic acid to help hydrate and plump the skin, Ceramides to help build up the skin’s moisture barrier, and Peptides for refreshing complexion.
  • TRAVEL-FRIENDLY SIZES: All of the products in the Hydrated Ever After Skincare Mini Kit are travel-friendly sizes so you can take it wherever you go.
  • SKIN-LOVING INGREDIENTS: All e.l.f. products are made from skin-loving ingredients you want, minus the toxins you don’t—all at good-for-you prices. All e.l.f. products are 100% vegan, cruelty-free, and leaping bunny certified.
Bestseller No. 3
Good Molecules Hyaluronic Acid Serum – Hydrating, Non-greasy formula to Moisturize, Plump – 1% HA, Anti-aging, Water-Based Skincare for Face
  • DEEP, LONG LASTING HYDRATION: Experience the moisturizing power of Hyaluronic Acid! Embrace newfound confidence with the Good Molecules Hyaluronic Acid Serum made with powerful ingredients to help your skin maintain its radiant glow!
  • PLUMP, FIRM, AND MOISTURIZE: Notice the difference in your skin! This serum works to restore moisture, bringing out the best in your skin. The lightweight serum helps your skin to appear supple, smooth, and firm.
  • POTENT FORMULA FOR RADIANT SKIN: Our serum contains two forms of hyaluronic acid with different molecular weights, allowing it to penetrate multiple layers of the skin and combat dehydration, and loss of firmness.
  • PERFECT ADDITION TO YOUR BEAUTY REGIMEN: Apply a few drops in the morning and at night before oils, creams, and moisturizers. For best results, apply to damp skin. Let absorb for 30 seconds before continuing with your routine.
  • GENTLE ENOUGH FOR ALL SKIN TYPES: Powerful enough to bring results and gentle enough for daily use; this serum is suitable for all skin types. Our serum has a pH of 5.8 and is vegan, gluten-free, fragrance-free, and cruelty-free.
SaleBestseller No. 4
Glow Recipe PHA + BHA Face Toner – Facial Toner, Pore Minimizer & Gentle Face Exfoliant for Glass Skin – Exfoliating, Tightening & Hydrating Skin Care with Hyaluronic Acid & Watermelon (40ml)
  • Hydrating & Pore Tightening Toner – The BHA + PHA Glow Recipe facial toner utilizes hydrating, exfoliating, and amino-rich ingredients to help retain moisture, soothe skin, minimize the look of pores, and improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Lock in Moisture – This hydrating facial toner for women and men contains watermelon extract, cactus water & hyaluronic acid for deep, long-lasting hydration that plumps and moisturizes dry skin.
  • Minimize, Exfoliate & Unclog Pores – Our exfoliating toner uses polyhydroxy acids (PHA) to help smooth skin by gently removing buildup, while 2 types of effective BHAs & tea tree extract help to clean, decongest, and reduce the appearance of pores without irritation.
  • How to Use – After cleansing, dispense into palms & gently press the moisturizing toner into the face & neck until fully absorbed for an even skin tone look and feel. Can also be applied with a cotton pad. Avoid eye area. During the day, follow with sunscreen.
  • Free Of – Parabens, Mineral Oil, Sulfates, Phthalates, Drying Alcohols, and Synthetic Dyes. This Vegan and Cruelty-Free hyperpigmentation treatment & BHA toner will leave you with pillow-soft skin. Patch test skincare toner on small areas of skin before using on the face.
SaleBestseller No. 5
Bubble Skincare Slam Dunk Face Moisturizer – Hydrating Face Cream for Dry Skin Made with Vitamin E + Aloe Vera Juice for a Glowing Complexion – Skin Care with Blue Light Protection (50ml)
  • Restore Essential Nutrients – Formulated with a lightweight cream texture, our Slam Dunk facial moisturizer uses natural ingredients to deeply hydrate your complexion, leaving you with a radiant, healthy glow. Made for normal to dry skin types, to keep you nourished, protected and ready for anything.
  • Potent Ingredients – Vitamin E helps in protecting and restoring skin cell health, while avocado oil is responsible for nourishing your complexion and decreases the appearance of redness. Its naturally high content of vitamins and essential fatty acids simultaneously softens and moisturizes your skin.
  • Rooted In Plants, Perfected by Science – Infused with botanical extracts such as hoya lucunosa flower, that helps promote a more radiant, glowing complexion. As an added bonus, this hydrating moisturizer also contains blue light protection.
  • How to Use – After toner, apply 1-2 pumps to clean, dry skin. Use this moisturizing cream morning and night for soft, hydrated skin. In the day time, follow with SPF.
  • Put Your Best Face Forward – The truth is, skin is tricky. Everyone’s skin is different, and no one’s skin is perfect. These are skincare realities we can’t change, but what we can change is the skincare industry’s outdated technology, science, ingredients, production practices, daily routines, and prices. It’s our mission to give everyone access to affordable, high-quality, effective skincare, so everyone can face their days with confidence.
SaleBestseller No. 6
Tree Hut Vitamin C Shea Sugar Scrub, 18 oz, Ultra Hydrating and Exfoliating Scrub for Nourishing Essential Body Care
  • Exfoliating body scrub removes dull, dry skin to reveal glowing, soft, smooth skin
  • Deeply nourish and balance skin’s hydration to help restore skin’s natural glow
  • Vegan, paraben free, sulfate free, alcohol free, no formaldehyde donors, has a no-slip formula and long-lasting fragrance
  • Scent: a boost of bright citrus with a touch of floral with key notes of Pink Grapefruit, Jasmine and Peach Nectar
SaleBestseller No. 7
COSRX Snail Mucin 96% Power Repairing Essence 3.38 fl.oz 100ml, Hydrating Serum for Face with Snail Secretion Filtrate for Dull Skin & Fine Lines, Korean Skincare
  • The Real Snail Essence: Formulated with 96.3% Snail Secretion Filtrate, this essence repairs and rejuvenates the skin from dryness and aging. It improves skin vitality by reducing dullness and soothing dehydrated skin.
  • Simple Yet Effective Light-weight Essence: A lightweight essence which fastly absorbs into the skin and gives you a natural and healthy glow. Guarantees long-lasting hydration without heavy feeling on the skin.
  • Key Ingredient: Snail Secretion Filtrate contains “Mucin”- an EFFECTIVE ingredient for enhanced moisturization. It instantly soothes damaged skin and delivers moisture deep into your skin. Perfect for dehydrated and damaged skin.
  • NO Snails are Harmed: Snail Mucin is obtained in a safe and environmentally friendly way in a favorite environment of snails and then processed as a cosmetic material. 100% Natural, Hypoallergenic, Dermatologist-tested.
  • COSRX Standards: All COSRX products are formulated with skin-friendly ingredients that alleviate irritated skin. Hypoallergenic, Dermatologist tested, Animal Testing-FREE, Parabens-FREE, Sulfates-FREE, Phthalates-FREE. Please inform that the expiration date on the product is written in the South Korean format, which goes by Year/ Month/ Date (YY.MM.DD)
SaleBestseller No. 8
eos Shea Better Body Lotion- Coconut Waters, 24-Hour Moisture Skin Care, Lightweight & Non-Greasy, Made with Natural Shea, Vegan, 16 fl oz
  • SHEA BETTER BODY LOTION: Our warm and sun-kissed Coconut Waters scent contains fragrance notes of creamy coconut, lush hibiscus and solar musk. eos 24-hour hydration body lotion is made with natural ingredients to leave your skin smooth from head-to-toe.
  • 24-HOUR MOISTURE FOR YOUR BODY: Soothe and protect your skin with our lightweight and non-greasy lotion. No sticky residue or heaviness, just all-day hydration and smooth skin.
  • SMOOTH ON: Apply this fast-absorbing and deliciously scented body lotion to just-cleaned skin, paying special attention to dry, rough areas. Relax – we’ll do the rest.
  • SUSTAINABLE SKIN CARE: Protect and moisturize your skin with 7 nourishing oils + butters, including natural shea butter and shea oil. Our collection of incredible fragrances will delight in application and last all day on skin
  • ALL-NATURAL SHEA BUTTER: eos products have wild grown, sustainably-sourced 100% natural shea butter to make skin feel moisturized, protected and soft. We are paraben, phthalate and gluten free. Dermatologist tested. Vegan. Hypoallergenic. PETA certified. No products tested on animals.

Last update on 2024-07-06 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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